South Pasadena High School Ap Chem 08 Periodic

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Transcript of Reactions in Aqueous Solution - .South Pasadena AP Chemistry 5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station

  • South Pasadena AP Chemistry Name __________________________________

    Period ___ Date ___/___/___

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 1 ACIDS, BASES, AND NEUTRALS

    Classify each statement as talking about an [A]cid, [B]ase, or [N]eutral.

    _____ feels slippery

    _____ tastes sour

    _____ KOH

    _____ turns cabbage juice red

    _____ tastes bitter

    _____ cabbage juice stays purple

    _____ CH3OH

    _____ turns phenol red solution yellow

    _____ increases [OH-]

    _____ increases [H+]

    _____ H2SO3

    _____ NaHCO3

    Hint: only one of these is neutral.

    South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 2 SOLUBILITY RULES

    Circle the ionic compounds that are Insoluble (i.e. circle the precipitates):

    MgF2 CuSO4 NH4Cl Fe(OH)3 CsF

    AgCl CdS CuF2 PbSO4 Ba(OH)2

    Na2SO4 NH4OH Sr(NO3)2 Hg2I2 Na2CrO4

    BaCO3 PbBr2 CaC2O4 HC2H3O2 MgO

  • South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 3 WRITE THE IONIC EQUATION

    For the following molecular equations, write the ionic equation and underline out the spectators:

    HF + NaOH NaF + H2O

    CuSO4 + Sr(NO3)2 Cu(NO3)2 + SrSO4

    2HCl + BaSO3 BaCl2 + H2O + SO2

    South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 4 PREDICT THE PRODUCTS

    Predict the products in these molecular equations. Indicate (s), (l), (g), or (aq):

    CuSO3 + HF

    Ca(NO3)2 + (NH4)2SO4

    HCl + Zn(C2H3O2)2

  • South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 5 NAMING ACIDS

    Fill in this chart:

    Anion name Anion formula Acid formula Acid name









    South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 6 RECOGNIZING OXIDATION-REDUCTION

    For each statement, classify the change of the underlined element as [O]xidation, [R]eduction, or [N]either:

    _____ Cu Cu2+

    + 2e-

    _____ Al3+

    + 3e- Al

    _____ CH4 CO2

    _____ NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

    _____ gaining electrons

    _____ oxidation number increases

    _____ Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2

    _____ Mg + O2 MgO

  • South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 7 OXIDATION NUMBERS

    Determine the oxidation number of the underlined element:

    MgF2 CuSO4 NH4+ CO2

    AgCl Cr2O72-

    ClO3- SiH4

    South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 8 MOLARITY PROBLEMS

    Solve the following problems:

    A 2.00 mole sample of NaOH is dissolved in enough water to make 500. mL of solution. What is the

    concentration of the solution?

    60.0 grams of NaOH (MM = 40.00 gmol-1

    ) is dissolved in enough water to make 0.750 L of solution. What is

    the concentration of the solution?

    A 250. mL sample of a 0.125 M solution of NaOH contains ________ grams of NaOH.

  • South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 9 DILUTIONS AND STOICHIOMETRY

    Show your work for these problems:

    You need to make 2.00 L of 0.200 M HCl.

    What volume of concentrated HCl (11.65 M) should you dilute? ___

    Given the equation: Al2O3(s) + 6 HCl(aq) 3 H2O(l) + 2 AlCl3(aq)

    What volume of 0.250 M HCl is needed to completely react with 25.0 grams Al2O3 (MM =101.96 gmol-1


    South Pasadena AP Chemistry

    5 Reactions in Aqueous Solution Station 9 DILUTIONS AND STOICHIOMETRY

    Show your work for these problems:

    You need to make 2.00 L of 0.200 M HCl.

    What volume of concentrated HCl (11.65 M) should you dilute? ___

    Given the equation: Al2O3(s) + 6 HCl(aq) 3 H2O(l) + 2 AlCl3(aq)

    What volume of 0.250 M HCl is needed to completely react with 25.0 grams Al2O3 (MM =101.96 gmol-1


South Pasadena High School Ap Chem 08 Periodic


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